Opening times

Opening times
We are open from 8am-5pm from Monday to Friday, all-year round (50 weeks per year).​
We offer funded term-time places and the option of holiday club for each school holiday, apart from the Christmas holidays.
Session times
We understand that parents have busy lives so we offer a wide range of sessions to fit in with family life. These are:
Full Day (8am-5pm)
Extended Short Day (8am-3.30pm)
Short Day (8.45am-3.30pm)
Morning session with lunch (8am-1pm)
Short morning session with lunch (8.45am-1pm)
Early afternoon session with lunch (11.30am-3.30pm)​
Our Daily Routine
8am- 9.30am: Children arrive and child-led learning.
9.45am: Circle time in age groups.
10am: Snack time.
10.15am-11.15am: Child-led learning both indoors and outdoors with adult-led activities available (Forest Session on a Tuesday).
11.20am: Story time in age groups.
11.30am: Lunch*
12.30pm: Child-led learning both indoors and outdoors with adult-led activities available.
1.45pm: Adult-led learning.
3.30pm: Home time.
3.40pm: Late snack followed by child-led learning.
5pm: Home time.
*We take the children to Charlton Kings Infants School Dining Hall for their lunch so they can have the option of a nutritious hot meal or bringing their own lunchbox.